Unique feature of Samsung Galaxy S8

Samsung Galaxy S8 review: The best Android phone now comes with Bixby

The Samsung Galaxy S8 is the sexiest phone of 2017, but is it the best?


Incredible camera
Brilliant display
Sumptuous design


                                      Awkward fingerprint reader placement

Samsung Galaxy S8 review: What you need to know

The Samsung Galaxy S8 is a 5.8in flagship smartphone, which has a stunning design, blistering Snapdragon 835 processor, an incredible display with an 18.5:9 aspect ratio and an impressive camera make it the best Android phone to date.
It is, however, let down by its battery life, which is a tad lower than its predecessor, the Galaxy S7 - and its eye-watering price might also put you off. Still, if you're looking for the best Android phone on the market, the Samsung Galaxy S8 is the one to get  Battery isn't as good as Galaxy S7


Samsung Galaxy S8 review: Price and competition

At launch, the Samsung Galaxy S8  was an eye-watering £610. Since, the flagship phone has dropped in price, and can now be found for around £540. This makes it more expensive than the similar LG G6 that costs around £450.
There's also the very impressive Google Pixel XL, now at around £450, and the iPhone 7 Plus at around £700. If you're willing to take a drop in screen size, the regular iPhone 7 costs £579.


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